academic festival   	gakuensai [univ.]/gakugèekai
anniversary   		kinènbi
	[wedding] 	kekkon-kinènbi
	[death] 	mèenichi
autumnal equinox   	shuubun
	[A.E. Day] 	Shuubun no hì
banquet    		enkai
birthday    		tanjòobi
	[60th birthday (celebration)]
			kanreki (no iwai)
	[70th birthday (celebration)]
			kòki (no iwai)
	[77th birthday (celebration)]
			kìju (no iwai)
	[88th birthday (celebration)]
			bèeju (no iwai)
Boy's Festival   	Tàngo no sekku  [May 5]
bride's first call to old home 
cherry-blossom viewing  hanamì/ohanami
Christmas    		Kurisùmasu
company entrance   	nyuusha
coming-of-age ceremony  seejìnshiki
divorce    		rikon
Doll's Festival   	Momo no sekku   [March 3]
engagement    		kon'yaku
eve of the beginning of spring 
examination   		shikèn
	[entrance] 	nyuugaku-shikèn  [school]
			nyuusha-shikèn  [company]
	[mid-term] 	chuukan-shikèn
	[final] 	kimatsu-shikèn
festival    		(o)matsuri
first day of spring  	risshun
	     summer  	rikka
	     autums  	risshuu
	     winter  	rittoo
funeral    		sooshiki
gift/present   		okurimono/purèzento
golden wedding   	kinkònshiki
graduation    		sotsugyoo
	[ceremony] 	sotsugyòo-shiki
Halloween    		Harowìin
harvest moon   		chuushuu no mèegetsu
harvest moon viewing  	(o-)tsukimi
homecoming    		kisee
honeymoon    		shinkon-ryòkoo
Lantern Festival   	obòn
marriage    		kekkon
memorial service   	hooji
mid-autumn    		chuushuu
mid-year gift   	(o-)chuugen
mourning    		mo(chuu)
moving    		hikkoshi
	[offer noodles] hikkoshi-sòba
national holiday   	saijitsu/kyuujitsu
newly married   	shinkon
new year    		shìnnen/(o)shoogatsù
New Year's Day   	gantan/ganjitsu
New Year's Eve   	Oomìsoka
New Year's greetings  	nènga/nenshi
obituary gift   	kooden
	[return for] 	kooden-gàeshi
party    		pàatii
reception  [wedding] 	hiròoen
remarriage    		saikon
retirement    		intai/teenen/taishoku
school entrance   	nyuugaku
	[ceremony] 	nyuugakù-shiki 
school excursion   	ensoku
7th day after death  	shonànoka 
7-5-3 ceremony   	Shichi-go-san  [Nov. 15]
silver wedding   	ginkònshi/ki
souvenir    		(o)miyage
St. Valentine's day  	barentàin-dee
 [obligation-chocolate] giri-choko     
transfer  [job]  	tenkin
vacation    		yasumì/kyuuka
	[summer] 	natsu-yàsumi
	[winter] 	fuyu-yàsumi
vernal equinox   	shunbun
	[V.E. Day] 	Shunbun no hì 
visit/call  [sympathy] 	(o)mimai
wake    		(o)tsùya
Weaver Star Festival  	Tanabata(-màtsuri)
wedding    		kekkòn-shiki
    [change of costume] oiro-nàoshi
year-end    		kure   
year-end gift   	(o-)seebo
year-end party		boonènkai

©Norio Ota 1998
Last Modified: Tuesday, 22 December 1998, 15:42 EST